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Enter a world of pure energy formed by thousands of spirits gathered together to form a pocket dimension where the passage of time holds no meaning. Mortals are forced to endure being disconnected from their bodies to interact with this realm with Emma's spiritual guardians. Enjoy entertaining and fascinating artwork related to their story. Learn more about them through a variety of quotes provided. Go on a journey in learning about the creation of the narrative and the hidden Easter Eggs found within the book's pages.

“You cannot defeat an enemy by acting as he does, by rationalizing murder as an acceptable method in achieving what you desire.” - Aethel


Fan Favorite

A scene selected from the book.

While within the realm of spiritual energy, Emma visits the world of Alice in Wonderland, one of her favorite books that her parents used to read to her. The scene is wonderfully charming with "Matter the Hatter", the March Hare, and the Dormouse providing comedic entertainment both for those visiting them but the audience as well. What is interesting is that the Dormouse uses the same language as Tedorn, another rodent-like creature from the Sunfire Chronicles. Henry's acceptance of the absurd situation, playing along, reveals his playful side. The scene feels like such a nice change of pace from the serious tone of the rest of the novel, but soon turns out to be pivotal to the next part of the book.


“Any who preaches that the greater good is more important than a single individual takes that first step towards the acceptance of any atrocity.” - Aethel

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“Names are a way to bind the infinite that is the human soul into a single word.” - Giovanni


Origin Story:
Cliff Hanger

The end of the previous novel caught the author by surprise in that he had plans for it to move onto the water/Alchemist story. However, he loved the idea and jumped into the concept of a fully spiritual realm. It provided an opportunity to develop the individauls in the story, address personal issues they had like with Milo's insecurities, and give the remaining spirit guardians a chance to become fully developed indviduals with greater exploration of their origins.


About two thirds of the way through, the author felt like the story needed to move forward, bring back Esper who was cut out of the narrative since she was not in the spiritual realm, and explore some of the possibilities of the global adventure. What he loved so much about the series is that he could draw upon both historical figures, public domain fictional characters like with Alice in Wonderland, and just have fun with the concepts of his own reality.


Originally he had a plan to have one of the spirit guardians leave at the end of each book. However, after the second one, he didn't want to follow pattern and to break away from expectations leading to the events of the fourth book. Also, at the time of writing this one, he thought it was only going to be four books, one for each element. However, he had grown to love the series so much, he don't want it to end. There is the Primordial Quaternity, yes, but there is also the arbiters that represent all four united. This opened the possibitliies of a fifth book that would finally resolved this story arc and give resolution to the story.


It was also becuase of this abrupt shift to AIR and not WATER, that FIRE became the third book in the series. The series is constantly growing and evolving.

“I feel that too much of someone’s individuality fades in the yearning to be like others, to fit in, to belong to a group that they often sacrifice what makes them so wonderfully one of a kind.” - Giovanni

Easter Eggs and Inspiration


The term "psychic" refers to anyone who can see and/or interact with a spirit.


Roanoke was an English colony where 112-121 people vanished in 1590. Scythe's origins are connected to this event.


Henry is essentially the grandson of Indiana Jones who was Henry Jones Junior.


The concept of artifacts, those who collect them like Henry, was inspired by the Warehouse 13 TV series.


The plague unleashed by the druids was the "black plague", a pandemic during 1346–1353.

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On page 57, the story of Aethel's childhood mimics the opening scenes of Disney's Sword in the Stone.


Aethel's mentor is the inspiration for tales of Merlin in that reality.


Milo is named after the main protagonist in the movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire.


Carmilla is named after the first female vampire in literature.


On page 63, Quinn refers to a movie where people are trapped in a virtual reality. That movie is "The Matrix".


Orthia was a local goddess only found at Sparta and Messene who was later identified with Artemis.


Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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John Dalberg-Acton was an English Catholic historian, politician, and writer.


In Chapter 6, there are multiple references to the movie: Willie Wanka and the Chocolate Factory.


On page 115, Henry and Carmilla encounter a scene from the book: Alice in Wonderland.


Airmid is the name of an Irish goddess with connections to herbal remedies and healing.


Anubis was actively involved in the abolishment of slavery since he was once an Egyptian slave, which he takes his true form before assuming that of the god.


Quinn refers to a man who kills others in their dreams on page 126, referring to Freddy Krueger.


On page 128, Quinn quotes "I am at one with..." This is a reference to mantra spoken by Chirrut Îmwe in the movie: Rogue One.


"The fork is not there" on page 129 refers to the "spoon is not there" quote from the Matrix.

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On page 131, Quinn mentions the novel, Knowing Gnowing, an anthology about gnomes.


On page 154, the "gate keeper" and "key master" refers to elements of the original Ghostbusters movie.


The door mentioned on page 181 is a reference to the movie: Monsters Inc.


On page 208, Esper mentions Sebastian and Nathaniel from the Age of Shadows Books.


Page 211, "Warm and fuzzy" refers to a Magic: The Gathering Card - Pacifism.


On page 223 Quinn refers to Jambi the Genie from Peewee's Playhouse television series. 


Marwood is named after John Marwood Cleese, a British comedian.


Romila is named after Romila Thapar, an Indian historian. She was born in the town mentioned in the book.


Diane is named after Diane Arbus, an American photographer.


Murchison is named after Alan Murchison, a Scottish chef.


Arawn is named after Celtic god of Death.

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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is also titled "The Modern Prometheus", which is why he is named that way.


Sanctum sanctorum of infinite possibilities is greatly inspired by the show "Warehouse 13".

The final scene with Henry is from the original story concept that started it all. One of the "lost" story elements was a man seeking revenge against the vampire that killed his girlfriend. He meets up with a group of amateur vampire hunters who use him as bait. Everything plays out as it did in the original version, except the man fights back against the boy and kills the child himself. Then he is led away by what is hinted at as a witch's familiar, a black cat. Eventually that leads to an old church, meets with a homeless preacher, who guides him to a wide crack in the wall. Somehow going down this narrow path leads to the man popping out of the stove (Yes, this discarded idea is from the original draft of the older story.) and meets with a Leprechaun who is living in the home he appears in. The author didn't want Henry to be a killer, so this was an ideal way to introduce his mother. Everything fell into place leading into the next book.


“We are two spirits trapped in a realm created by energy caught in a fraction of time in the mortal world and you think what I'm doing is weird?” - Scythe

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