Suffering from domestic abuse from an early age, a vision of hope inspires Logan to escape his tortured existence. Now a respected artist, he is driven by his passion for a woman he believes only exists in his mind.
Kimberly found freedom from the rigid life of her youth through her drawings of a boy she dreamed about. As an adult, she has found sanctuary as an artist for a global comic book industry, famous for the mysterious man appearing in her work.
The lines between fantasy and reality become blurred as these two strangers are about to meet.

Music often inspires scenes, helps mold the tone of a narrative, and in some cases, defines a character.
What follows is a collection of songs that are the soundtrack to this novel.

This is how Logan views the woman he draws, who he has had visions of since he was a teenager. To him, there is no explanation needed, she is the embodiment of love. Even if she doesn’t exist, he won't be convinced otherwise. This song reflects the purity to his devotion to this woman he thinks about.
This song inspired a "deleted" scenario that does not occur in the novel but would be ideal for a movie or television series based off the book. This will add to the experience for the visual representation of the book on screen. Learn more about this new addition below under the "Bonus Scene" section of this page.
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Eye of the Beholder?
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Logan's parents abused him both physically and emotionally. Driven to near suicide as a teenager, he first had a vision that encouraged him to do more with his life. Running away, he lived on the streets for years before being discovered by an agent that saw his talent. He is now a well-known gallery artist inspired by his muse.
Kimberly has been passionate about her artwork since she was a teenager, ignoring her parents who pressured her to go into scientific research. As a comic book artist with fame across the globe, she has become known for inserting the image of a mysterious man into the background of each of her projects, not knowing he is real.
Penelope has loved telling stories ever since she was a child, writing down ideas as soon as she learned how to do so. She has always loved the amalgamation of visual artwork accompanying a great narrative with inspiring figures presented in comic books. Becoming a writer for the industry was a dream come true.
Eugene is an aspiring entrepreneur with several failed attempts. He first met Logan while visiting one of the artist's galleries. Seeing the potential in the lifelike artwork, he suggested to start a company together, one where clients could make personalized requests. Soon the pair began their partnership in this new venture.
When Rebecca met Logan, he was creating sketches for leisure. Seeing a talented artist that could help her career, she offered her services as a talent agent. With her help, his artwork appeared in multiple galleries, soon garnering fame and attention for his skills. He learned too late that she is antagonist, abusive, and manipulative.
Marv is a comic bookstore owner who is well versed in the history, writers, artists, and any other detail one could ever know about the industry. His knowledge of practically every character ever presented by comic books is unmatched. He rarely leaves the stool he sits on behind his counter, only doing so to make a large sale.
Bonus Scene: Not Found In Book
In a movie/television presentation of Eye of the Beholder, after the final scene of the novel, the song "Just Like This" begins playing as mentioned earlier on this page. It begins with a scene of Kimberly and Logan sitting at a cafe in real life. Then that image shifts to a comic book version of them. Pans back to reveal a group of superheroes, with the couple in the background. Scene changes to another heroic moment in a comic book. Zooms in to Kimberly and Logan walking down a sidewalk in the background. That turns into a real-life version minus the super heroes in our world. That goes back and forth blurring the line between what is happening in the comics and what is in our reality.

Hidden Author
Where would the Author make a cameo?
Stan Lee is notorious for making a cameo in movies and television series based off his written works. With that in mind, where would the author of this novel make an appearance in a visual adaptation of the book?
What better way to do a cameo like Stan Lee than for the author to play the part of Stan Lee himself? During a meeting at Tagonist Comics concerning the future of the company, there are two men sitting at the table. The elder pair are named Stan and Jack. Stan represents Stan Lee and Jack is his long time partner, the legendary artist, Jack Kirby. The author would play the part of Stan, who is a writer as well.