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When in Gnowing, do as the Gnomes do. How does one do that? Expanding your mind and enjoying the little things such as learning about a fan favorite scene found within the pages of this anthology. Ulysses and Leaf just so happen to make an appearance in most of the stories. Like gnomes, there are some playfully delightful quotes to enjoy. You know what else is like gnomes? Silly and funny memes! Last but certainly not least, is a long list of Easter Eggs and insightful information found within the book. Gnomes love to learn!

“You have proven to me that in the city of Gnowing, not only is anything possible, but the impossible comes true each day.” – William


Fan Favorite

A scene selected from the book.

To pick just one favorite moment is about as easy as organizing a gnomish choir and getting them to sing in perfect harmony. It can be done, sure, but it will be a difficult journey to reach one's goal. With that said, a fan favorite individual is the gnomish detective who exists within a classic noir movie style world inside his mind. His long, meandering monologues are highly entertaining and a total contradiction to what is happening in reality. What is fun about the gnome known as Herot is that his sister is constantly pointing out that what he's talking about isn't true. However, she's supportive of his yearning to become a sleuth. A favorite among his adventures is when he meets the Scooby-Doo gang.


“It’s Gnowing. The unexpected is normal, chaos is to be expected, and the worst thing that could happen is often the most appreciated.” – Paige

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“Admitting our ignorance is the first step towards gaining knowledge on our journey towards wisdom.” – Helen

Origin Story:
Failure to Launch

The author was working on a novel inspired by the movie "Dave" involving a civilization of miniature people. The concept didn't work and the idea for the story was shelved. However, he was facing a deadline to get a new book ready in a certain time frame. So, to get caught up, he took an idea that he had been playing around with concerning the sequel to Mystical Alliance, a series of short stories involving the town of Gnowing. It would be his first comedy as well as the first time that he wrote short stories, pushing out of his comfort zone.


He jumped on a radically different concept than his previous project. Many of the stories was written in a day. It flowed out so quickly. He didn't want to take too much time slowly crafting any one story, in that he wanted rapid dialogue, quick playing around with word choices, and to essentially blurt out the first thing that came to mind. What better way to write a story about a city of gnomes then to write like one? The presentation as well as the method of storytelling developed a unique feeling of what it would be like to exist within this wonderous town.


The idea of "are you the guy" came from a running joke involving a chiropractor that the author had with a close friend. Somehow it had developed into the writer going from one specialist to another to find the right person to fix what was wrong with him. That became an idea to link the fifteen stories together.


“If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” - David Bowie


Origin Story:
Original Collection

Before writing the novel, the author had a rough draft listing of ideas that he was going to use concerning the anthology. Sometimes it was little more than what would something normal in our day to day society be like in Gnowing. That is how he came up with concepts such as teaching, fast food/resteraunts, leadership, just to name a few. One of the more thought out concepts was the play that was originally the conclusion of the anthology. Everyone from previous stories were in the audience. The author felt that was unfair to that story to try to be filled up with cameos so he changed it to focus on that chaotic event.


Several stories were removed from the original collection. One that was eliminated was a group of musicians trying to put on a concert. Each person had a different taste in music, a unique instrument for that style, leading to a confusing situation. Another story involved a human inventor who ran out of ideas. He had a gnome assistant involved for comedic purposes. A woman who was running a store that sold groceries was in love with him and he rejected her. He was so rude, a kind of redemption arc where he learned his lesson and apologized at the end. It was forced and he was unlikable, so it was eliminated.


What replaced these? The newspaper story did, which the author was delighted with. The other was the new ending that was a combination of all the other fourteen stories to come before it. It felt like an ideal conclusion.


One story ran a little short, the one involving the noir style detective. That's when the scenes of Herot meeting with the head of the 'police' was added, creating a homage to Batman who is a favorite character of the author.

“I don't wish to offend dragons by assuming they don't exist.” – Leaf

Easter Eggs and Inspiration


Ulysses Ramsey Heer is a joke about him being a map maker: "You are here."


Poe Pew Lushun is a play on the word: Population, reflecting the job he originally had.

Library Shelves

The library of Winterveil was first established at the end of the novel, Mystical Alliance.

Black and White Kitten

Leaf's Cat is a less dangerous version of Schrodinger's Cat, which involved poison and the possibility of death.


Ronald is inspired by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.


On page 37, Leaf refers to the phrase, “I think, therefore I am.” A philosophical concept first presented by Descartes.

Man and Dragon

On page 39, Leaf is referring to what is the concept of the Dungeons and Dragons game.

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Much of what Ronald talks about refers to elements of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.


Gregory is mentioned often in this book, referring to the gnome from the novel: Mystical Alliance.

Mithaecus is a 5th century Greek chef who is credited for created the first ever cookbook


Guillaume Tirel is a famous French chef, which is the name of the restaurant in Gnowing.


Wolfgang Puck is a famous Austrian chef, which the restaurant owner is named after.


On page 44, Kroc is a reference to Ray Kroc, responsible for the McDonald's Franchise concept.


The clown connected to Krok refers to Ronald McDonald, the mascot for McDonald's.


Harland Sanders is the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, which explains the chicken reference.


Dan Blocker founded the Pandorasa which is a restaurant chain that features buffet style food selection.


Nolan Bushnell founded Chuck E. Cheese, thus the name mentioned on page 45.


The first human citizen of Gnowing, Brian, is introduced in the opening of Mystical Alliance.

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Lloyd is named after Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous architect.

City Map with Braille

The magical map that the wizard shows Lloyd is introduced at the end of Mystical Alliance.

Modern Kitchen

The concept of viewers watching rich people buying homes presented on Page 71 is what happens on the HGTV channel.


Each house Lloyd shows is based off a board game. The first is Chutes and Ladders.


The second house that Lloyd shows the wizard is based off the game, Mouse Trap.

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The third house is based upon the board game CLUE, with the gnomes playing the parts of the characters involved in the game.

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 Anne is modeled and named after Anne Sullivan, who was a famous teacher of Helen Keller.


Helen is modeled and named after Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, taught by Anne.


Samuel is named after Samuel Moore Walton, the founder of the retail store: Walmart.

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Gruen is named after Victor Gruen, who is considered the “father” of the concept of the mall shopping experience.


Putting items "where the sun doesn't shine" was a joke at the end of first scene in the novel: Mystical Alliance.

Basketball Court

On pages 122-123, three "court" references are made. Basketball, Tennis, and "courting" someone for romantic intent.

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The layout of the courtroom is modeled after the television show: Night Court.


Markie is named after Markie Post who played Christine Sullivan who was the defense attorney.

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Larro, the prosecuting attorney is named after John Larroquette, who played Dan Fielding.

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Moll, the bailiff, is named after Richard Moll who played Nostradamus 'Bull' Shannon.

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Burnita is named after Burnita Shelton Matthews who was the first woman appointed to serve on a United States District Court.

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On page 132, “…the unfortunate series of…” is a nod the books: A Series of Unfortunate Events.


Humphry appeared in the novel: Mystical Alliance, but was never named until now.


Wells is named after H.G. Wells, the author of the novel: The Time Machine.

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At the healing center, the purple disk is the same color as the jewel stone of knowledge from the novel: Mystical Alliance.

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Dr. Doseldom is a play on the name Dr. Dolittle, a famous fictional character that could speak to animals.

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On page 167, he, she, and ka is a reference to a third gender mentioned in the Sunfire Chronicles.

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On page 172, the seeing eye gnome "Buddy" is named after the first seeing eye dog.


George is named after George Washington, first president of the United States of America.


Optimistic Prime and Mega Trust refer to Optmus Prime and Megatron from the Transformers cartoon series.


In the novel, Mystical Alliance, Gertrude was originally called "Gears", thus the fan club name.

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Plato is named after the Greek philosopher of the same name.

Private Property

Forty-six thousand, one hundred and thirty-five is the zip code of where the author grew up.

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The army of Gnowing, Don, is named after Don Quixote, a famous story about a man who thinks he is a knight.

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One page 193, the event involving underpants refers to an episode of South Park.

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Herot is named after the fictional detective character Hercule Poirot.

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Herot's sister, Agatha, is named after the creator of Hercule's character, Agatha Christie.

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On pages 200-201, the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker are a reference to a 18th century nursery rhyme.


On page 204, the Mystery Wagon refers to the "Mystery Machine" that is the van driven by the Scooby-Doo cast.


Nicole is named after Nicole Jaffe who did the voice of Velma on the original Scooby-Doo television show.


Indira is named after Indira Stefanianna who did the voice of Daphne on the original Scooby-Doo TV series.


Frank is named after Frank Welker who did the voice of Fred on the original Scooby-Doo television show.


Casey gets his name from Casey Kasem who did the voice of Shaggy on the Scooby-Doo TV show.


Don is named after Don Messick who did the voice of Scooby-Doo on the original show. 


The phrase “…brought to you by the letter…” is from a children's program, Sesame Street.


“Old man Spears” is named after Ken Spears, one of the co-creators of the original Scooby-Doo television series.


The scene between Tivel and Herot is a series of Batman references.


Franklin W. Dixon is a pseudo name for a long list of ghost writers who wrote a series of books called the "Hardy Boys".


Nancy Drew is a series of books written by various ghost writers under the pseudo name Carolyn Keene leading to Carolyn Drew. 


On page 217, a man named Doyle refers to Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes.


The monk detective refers to Adrian Monk from the television series "Monk".


The “brass falcon” is a reference to Sam Spade and the 1941 film, The Maltese Falcon


Walter is named after Walter Winchell, a famous journalist  during the 30s, 40s, and 50s.


Randolph, is named after William Randolph Hearst, known for creating the largest newspaper chain and media company.


Gutenburg is a reference to Johannas Gutenburg, the inventor of the mechanical movable-type printing press.


Uncle Gogh is a reference to the Dutch artist, Vincent van Gogh.


Amelia is named after Amelia Earhart, an airplane pilot who was the first female to fly across the Atlantic oceon by herself.


Davis is named after Jim Davis, creator of Garfield


Thom is named after Thom Huge who voiced John Arbuckle in several cartoons.


Lorenzo is named after Lorenzo Music, who did the voice of Garfield the cat.


Lucille is named after Lucille “Lucy” Van Pelt, a character from the Peanuts comic strips series.


On page 249, the object mentioned is a sundial.


Holly's Day, which is on the 25th day of the 5th month, May 25th, is the anniversary of Tagonist Knights Publishing. 

Christmas Decorations

Her special day is a combination of a series of traditional American holidays including Christmas and Halloween.

Japanese Calendar

The twelve gnomes that Chrono is in love with have names that refer to the twelve months.