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The crew of the Sunfire consists of a group from across the Universe with Captain Lexia being the only human among them. Learn more about them through featured quotes. This fascinating universe is explored through a wide variety of Easter Eggs and hidden information found on this page. Be entertained by related memes and learn more about how the origins first book in what has developed into an ongoing series. The Sunfire Chronicles is influenced from a variety of science fiction, sci-fi, and historical space exploration.
“If you measure yourself by the goals and accomplishments of someone else, your life will be defined by them, not by the unique individual that history should remember you as.” – Gold
Fan Favorite
A scene selected from the book.
It is a gut-wrenching experience for an audience to deal with the loss of someone they've been reading about that they are emotionally invested in. Especially if that individual is innocent person or someone who is purely benevolent. That is what happens when a psychic attack harms those on board the Sunfire. Both Tedorn and Dryad are pushed to the edge of death, both having no escape from what is happening to them. It is a painful experience for someone to read about their suffering. The only relief to this is the wave of living energy that flows through the ship and rescues them their fate, reviving the pair. Not only that, but it forever changes the course of the series for multiple people.
“Most of those in power are just as bad as the thugs that roam the streets. Half the time they are the thugs that roam the streets.” – Lexia
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“Let death be merciful. For I will not.” – Rua'So'Nid
Origin Story:
Long ago...
Lexia's Legacy began as a dream that the author experienced involving a pair, male and female. One was of fire. The other was ice. In the dream they were brother and sister. Also, they were more so mutants, relatively normal humans with powers. There was a lizard creature named Mythos who was a dragon.
Dryad was originally created for a fantasy story where someone from our reality who hated fairy tales, was transported to that type of reality. This plant woman peaks out from behind a talking tree who the man first encounters. In the story, the trees possessed human faces, and could use vocal communication. The story didn't work out, but the author loved the concept of a plant based humanoid person. Eventually when he began working on a sci-fi story, he remembered this failed attempt at a fantasy story and brought her back from this older idea.
The dragon character became a more generic lizard warrior rather than a fantasy creature. It wasn't until he was writing the final draft and with Tagonist Knights Publishing was underway that Mythos as a dragon became one of the knights. With the name taken, that led to a new title for this lizard warrior and the name Rua'So'Nid was chosen using the reverse spelling of Dinosaur.
The mutant siblings from his dream were developed into two races of beings of the same planet. The approach was a tragic love story of forbidden love, two people who cared deeply for one another but were unable to be together due the physical threat each could do to one another. How their species came into existence, aspects of their cultures, the roles each played, were developed during the writing process of the novel along with many other aspects of worldbuilding.
Origin Story:
In a galaxy...
Tedorn was inspired by the author's love for gerbils. He grew up with them and wanted a character that was a large, talking version of them. He found the idea of this creature being an engineer with savant level capabilities as amusing so incorporated that idea into the story. Early on, he used a form of butchered English, poorly spoken and mispronounced words. On a whim, the writer decided he would have his own language and began working on a translation list so that he could learn his language. He had always been fascinated with alien languages in other series, such as Klingon, and wanted that in his sci-fi series.
With a crew established, a concept for a run down, beaten up, barely held together ship as a setting, all that was missing now was a captain. The author knew he wanted a female leader that was a little like Han Solo who was a bit of a rogue. Her origin story developed and he jumped into the story with a concept of, what happened long after the Empire in Star Wars was defeated? What if this is set in a future long after a great evil was defeated and she's going to be receiving special treatment as the descendant of this great hero?
Starting the novel, the author had no understanding of who was inside the container, beyond that there was a hidden connection to the ancient threat of the Blight. There was also no plan for where the novel was going as he wrote it, exploring this universe the same way as his audience would. He finished the first third of the story leading up to Lexia taking a vacation on the Vostok years before completing the rest of the novel. He would later pick it up again since there was a need for a sci-fi story for the launch of Tagonist Knights Publishing which also led to the creation of Prisoner of Silence for similar reasons.
Origin Story:
Far Away...
The story first began with the scene between Brent explaining to Lexia the origins of her ancestor's fame. It wasn't until the author was listening to a song by Fallout Boy, that he had this vision of a scene to a movie based off the book. Then he thought, why didn't he include that in the story? The novel should begin the way the vision of the movie did, starting off on a high energy, fast paced, action scene. That's how it was added to the opening of the book.
Where some authors create outlines, detailed backgrounds about the individuals involved in the story, and map out the main plot points before even beginning to write the book, there is another style that is described by the author of the Song of Ice and Fire series. Where the previous approach to writing is labeled as an architect, the author of the Sunfire Chronicles prefers the gardener approach. Planting seeds and experience the story as it reveals itself.
The resolution to what the Blight struck like lightning without warning. The author had always been fascinated with the topic that explained its origins and how it was able to manipulate life throughout the Universe so easily. It was fun for the writer to explore this complex concept using the various viewpoints and levels of understanding of those gathered around to discuss the subject.
The series has provided the author an opportunity to let loose his inner fanboy and make a multitude of references to sci-fi, science fiction, and space exploration. It is because of this reason that there are sometimes subtle, others being obvious as to what they are referring to, Easter Eggs and hidden sources of inspiration that has helped the series grow and evolve with each book added.
“I don't care if a newborn baby is put in charge, you better salute that infant and ask whether they want a new bottle or change of diapers.” - Tinker
Easter Eggs and Inspiration
The small machines that invade the Sunfire in Chapter 2 are inspired by the "spiders" from the movie: The Minority Report.
“One way or the other, I'm going to get my ship back. If that means kicking in the teeth of my great, great, great whatever grandpa, then so be it.” - Lexia