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The puppets created by Jim Henson become the central inspiration for many individuals featured in this novel, most of which the audience may not catch. However, you can learn about these details in the Easter Eggs and inspiration section found on this page. Explore this fascinating universe through a fan favorite scene and quotes provided. Entertaining images give a playful introduction to this sometimes bizarre reality. It is here that you can learn about the story behind the book's creation as we delve into this ongoing series.
“You are absolutely the strangest, most peculiar individuals I have ever encountered. I like that. Now then, follow me. Might as well get this suicide mission over with.” – Zoon

Fan Favorite
A scene selected from the book.
Lexia is nearly killed when the ship she on is destroyed. This leads to her being sent back in time. There is a shock to the audience reading about these events, "Is she...?" This novel continues the tradition of making links to real life space travel and discovering that the captain of the Sunfire is on Mars after the first attempt to colonize it. It is an optimistic hint of that occurring one day in our future, their past. For those who were heartbroken to learn that the Mars rover lost power and was essentially abandoned where it was last located, this is a redemption story that also connects to the events of the Sunfire Chronicles. It's a thrill for fans to learn of the fate of the Opportunity Rover and how it links to Jamahe's origins.

“Yay me, an entire race of godlike beings wants to kill me. I’m so happy I could scream with joy.” – Lexia
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“When you’ve gone up against something that could destroy the entire Universe, twice in a lifetime, being shot between the eyes doesn’t seem all that threatening by comparison.” - Lexia
Origin Story:
If only...
Parallax's Paradox was meant to be another stand alone story just like the previous two books in the series. Parallax would be tempted to become what she once was in the form of an artificial intelligence integrated into a computer mainframe, have a confrontation with Lexia, and somehow resolve their differences by the end of the story. If only it was that simple. Then again, if it was, there wouldn't have been four novels to finish the story arc. It was worth it.
The author knew going into the story how it would end for Dryad. He was inspired by a song that a fully developed scene played out in his mind nearly a year before writing the book. The idea of this tragic event leading to her opening up her mind to the multiverse felt perfect for a series that pushed the limits.
There were no plans as to where the story was going to develop beyond some basic concepts. It underwent several rewrites before its final version. At one point Dryad sneaks on board the Oria ship using the twins to cloak her position and she observes the fate of the Swogs. Parallax detects her presence and tries to save her using the pair to send her somewhere else, linking to the ending.
Another changed concept was that Parallax comes back with Lexia, then turns traitor. Having been tempted by the Oria, she attacks the captain, and that leads to Dobuho saving Lexia by going back in time. It led to Parallax to make an unexpected change of personality. The author hated the idea and had to fix it.
A minor change was Dobuho telling Dryad to bring her helmet, setting up for the end. A being that can see into the future allowed for a plot hole to be averted.

Origin Story:
The Muppet Show!
Going into the story, the author was in need of inspiration for new life forms and concepts for individuals to be introduced to the series. He had been wanting to make a "Pigs in Space!" throw away joke for awhile. That one idea, a random thought, sparked an entire series of individuals that would later develop into a major influence of the series. From that point forward a multitude of those written about were directly inspired by the works of James Maury Henson, AKA Jim Henson. His full name inspired the title of the puppet master: Jamahe.
What was fascinating concerning what developed was that Jamahe brought these creations to life, each with their own personalities and yet, if he chose to do so, he could communicate through them. This is much like each individual puppet had their own personality separate from the puppeteer, yet it was the person controlling them. This seemingly random idea led a group who would continue to play a major role in influencing the future of the series.
Being a huge Jim Henson fan, having a version of Gonzo the Great joining the crew of the Starship Sunfire was a dream come true for the author. Adding a little bit more comedy in the form of Zoon also helped balance the grim, darker tones of what was happening at the end of the book. He had learned how to do this in the Age of Shadows books, humor to balance out the darker setting.
What begins as a small spark of an idea, such as wanting to tell a joke or explore a scientific phenomenon that is only theoretical in our reality, may lead to story concepts. The yearning to include historical events concerning space travel also serve as inspiration. The possibilities are limitless with the Sunfire Chronicles.
“Let us not speak of the cookie, for it may be the cause of a horrifying destruction on a level that not even I can possibly grasp, and I am well versed in the impossible.” – Dobuho
Easter Eggs and Inspiration

When the concept of Tagonist Knights Publishing was first created, there was an idea for five knights. One being Paradox, Knight of the Cosmos. They were meant to represent each genre, be more of a mascot for the company. There were no plans for them to be introduced into a novel, let alone play such a major role in a series of books. Paradox made a brief appearance in Tinker's Treasure, but it wasn't until this book knowledge of who was underneath the mask came to light in the mind of the author of the Sunfire Chronicles. Parallax's reaction to him at the end hints at the truth. All of which is revealed in the next novel.